汽车应用中的陶瓷技术带来了前所未有的高光泽度、耐用性和易于维护性。 陶瓷涂层并不是为了防止石屑和硬冲击损坏,而是这些产品是液体,薄且设计用于在很长一段时间内增加光泽、防水性(疏水性)、对环境污染物的卓越抵抗力和易于清洁。
涂上陶瓷涂层后,车辆将受到保护,每周清洁不是必需的选项。陶瓷涂层几乎可以应用于任何表面、玻璃、皮革、油漆、轮胎……所有这些都可以为未来几年提供光泽和保护。 我们的产品有的需要年度维护,有的不需要,但您不需要做。 如果您选择需要年度保修维护的产品,我们提供作为一项免费服务而不是年度费用,如果您是每年多次详细说明车辆的客户,我们将在这些访问中无缝地执行此操作。
涂料中的两种基本技术是壳和树脂;我们提供两种。 3M 陶瓷是一种外壳,它在表面顶部形成一层坚硬的涂层,年度维护使外壳保持坚固和光泽。 Opti-涂层是一种树脂技术,与油漆中的透明涂层结合,使油漆本身坚硬而有光泽。
您可能会问您如何决定哪个? 像许多消费品一样,这取决于您的目标和预算。 您对长期的期望是什么车辆,您是租赁的还是拥有的,您将保留多长时间? 您的预算是多少,产品有价格差异。 您有品牌偏好或品牌知名度在您的决定中是否有价值? 您喜欢油漆滑腻的感觉吗?
另一个话题是硬度;陶瓷行业宣传硬度,5H,7H,9H,并将其作为品牌之间的竞争优势或差异......这是真实的事实,陶瓷涂层的硬度取决于它的应用。_cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_陶瓷涂层是外用酒精的稠度,很薄很液体。 硬度系数是由它所涂的东西决定的,所以如果你把它涂在软油漆很软,如果你把它涂在坚硬的花岗岩板上,它会很硬。 是的。陶瓷涂层足够坚硬,可以减少微划痕和酸雨的影响,但是,意图是障碍,数字都是营销。
我们是所有 Optimum Polymer 和 Opti-Coat 产品的经过培训和认证的经销商涂抹器
我们提供 a 全系列 Opti-Coat 保护以及多个用于内饰、玻璃、皮革、地毯保护的补充包;我们提供的每种涂层都包括 Opti-Coat 保修。
Opti-Coat Ceramic 的独特优势在于它与油漆的透明涂层粘合,形成一种不会磨损的保护粘合。 竞争对手的产品以多层方式应用,并创造油漆上的硬壳层,而不是油漆中,光泽和寿命是通过多层($)和年度维护应用来实现的,其中一些是强制性的以保留保修。_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_
Opti-Coat 不需要年度维护来确保保修或使用寿命。
每个应用程序都得到我们的彻底关注,外部包装从细节开始,加上去污清洗、轻微的油漆修正、粘土棒、Opti-Coat 抛光和准备以确保油漆准备好进行涂层,内部应用程序接受彻底的清洁和准备以确保清洁和保护。
Opti油漆卫士; Optimum Paint Guard 是一种陶瓷涂料涂层,旨在保护油漆表面免受鸟石灰、酸蚀和其他腐蚀性物质的影响。 Optimum Paint Guard 将产生比工厂表面更硬的表面,更容易维护,并且更能抵抗日常清洁过程中可能发生的油漆损坏。 这是 2-3年产品,Optimum 建议在此之后重新申请。它非常有光泽,标准轿车的起价为 499 美元加税。 较大的车辆增加到 599 美元和 699 美元。
Opti-Coat Pro ; Opti-Coat Pro 是一种陶瓷透明涂层,保修期长达 5 年,具有出色的抗刮擦 (9H)、化学蚀刻、UV 褪色性,并提供出色的脱模性properties. Opti-Coat Pro 预聚物交联,并在其所涂的涂漆表面上形成连续的保护膜,形成清漆饰面。_cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Opti-Coat Pro 具有比使用中的任何汽车油漆涂料更好的耐化学性、耐刮擦性和耐擦伤性以及脱模性。它为所有现代工厂涂料提供永久保护,提供 5 年保修,无需重新涂抹,一层专业树脂,出色的疏水性能加上 20% 的光泽增强。标准轿车的起价为 999 美元加税。 大型车辆涨至$1099和$1199. 摩托车和Wave-runners $699
Opti-Coat Pro-Plus ;这是最好的涂层,性能与 PRO 树脂相似,但应用在 PRO 之上,PRO + 提供 7 年保修,在定时应用中应用。 这提供了出色的疏水性能加上 30 + % 光泽增强和油漆保修。 标准轿车的价格为 1499 美元加税。 较大的车辆分别增加到 1599 美元和 1699 美元。 摩托车和Wave-runners $999
Pro 和 Pro + 级别包括外轮面(某些饰面不符合涂层条件)。 可提供整个车轮涂层,额外收费 200 美元
Opti皮革;这是一种终身应用,可为所有皮革和光滑的内表面提供无与伦比的液体和污渍保护。 该应用还提供紫外线防护并延长天然皮革的干燥效果。_cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ 皮革保护售价 599 美元。
欧蒂面料;类似于皮革保护,适用于所有柔软的织物和地毯表面。 这是终身应用,为所有柔软的织物提供 unmatched 液体和污渍保护和地毯内表面。 应用还提供紫外线防护、防水和防污性。 Fabric Protection 售价 599 美元。
Opti-Glass是一种革命性的玻璃密封剂和超疏水树脂,适用于外部玻璃表面。 任何使用过 Rain-X 等产品的人都会了解驾驶时窗户上的水膜速度。 Opti-Glass 将其提升到一个新的水平,具有超疏水性和寿命。 这是一个多年的应用程序,大约需要 1 小时申请。正面玻璃的起价为 59.99 美元,而侧面和阅读玻璃的价格可以增加 100.00 美元。
请注意:Optimum Polymer 设置所有定价和“MAP”(最低广告定价),我们无法控制定价,也不允许折扣,因为我们将定价设置为最低允许水平。 这不是 Sun & Shade 政策,而是由 Optimum 制定的。 我们的安装人员经过培训和认证,我们作为一家公司也拥有“认证”状态。 请当您在当地经销商处购物时,请牢记这些凭证。
Technology Overview
Opti-Coat is the industry leader in professional ceramic coatings - Maximum Gloss & Protection!
Opti-Coat Ceramic Paint Protection delivers even more gloss and slickness than ever before, while still maintaining the same chemical structure that has made it renowned as the ultimate protective paint coating. The advanced formulation not only delivers amazing gloss and protection, but it also provides increased anti water spotting and hydrophobic properties to maintain the perfect finish. Opti-Coat Pro and Pro Plus are enhanced 1 and 2 step applications of Nano ceramic that bonds the clear resin coating to the factory clear coat paint layer, maximizing superior resistance to scratching, chemical etching, fading due to UV, 30% Gloss Enhancement and provides outstanding release properties. Pro 3 is a three step process that provides ultimate gloss and protection, with prescribed maintenance it retains a lifetime warranty.
Opti-Paint Guard will protect the paint and enhance the gloss. Optimum Paint Guard™ is a ceramic paint coating designed to protect the paint surface from bird lime, acid etching and other corrosive substances. Optimum Paint Guard™ will produce a harder than factory finish that is noticeably easier to maintain and is more resistant to the paint damage that can occur as a result of daily cleaning processes. Paint Guard does not carry a warranty but is expected to last 1-2 years and provide performance superior to any "consumer grade" products.
Opti-Coat Pro
What is Opti-Coat Pro?
Opti-Coat Pro is a Silicon Carbide (SiC) ceramic coating made for protecting paint. When applied on top of the factory clear coat it bonds to that factory coat and intensifies gloss, adds paint protection for the vehicle while adding protection from other substances. Opti-Coat Pro repels water and increases the gloss of the vehicle’s paint. It is not a wax or a sealant; rather, it is a ceramic coating that provides superior protection for the long-term. Opti-Coat Pro is much thicker than conventional waxes and does not have to be applied several times a year – it only requires one application and one of our professional installers will do the work for you.
How does it work?
The Opti-Coat Pro pre-polymer cross links, and form a continuous protective film on the painted surface to which it is applied to. As well, because of its formula Opti-Coat Pro resists breaking down under harsh chemicals and multiple car washes. All the while, the layer of protection it provides resists the damaging effects of bugs, bird droppings, and tree sap. So, while it ensures ceramic paint protection, Opti-Coat Pro also enhances gloss on the coated surface. Further, it is hydrophobic and resists water from sticking or staying on the surface of the coated surface.
Also, because Opti-Coat Pro has better chemical resistance and release properties than any automotive paint coating in use, it provides permanent protection for all modern factory paints and can also be used to protect metal and hard plastic surfaces. Its chemical resistance ensures that Opti-Coat Pro prevents damage from potential oxidation and harsh UV rays.
Why does it matter?
Opti-Coat Pro will save you time and money. As opposed to applying thin coats of wax several times a year, Opti-Coat Pro is a permanent solution for ceramic paint protection. As well, a 5-year warranty is provided for the ceramic paint protection.
Opti-Coat Pro+
The Optimum Ceramic Protection and Gloss
What is Opti-Coat Pro+?
Opti-Coat Pro+ combines the chemical and environmental resistance of Opti-Coat Pro ceramic coating with a layer of Pro Plus to add additional protection and gloss that is second to none. Opti-Coat Pro+ enhances the durability of your vehicle’s paint by adding another layer of protection for the life of your car.
Opti-Coat Pro provides a protective ceramic coating with superior reduction of swirling and resistance to chemical etching and fading. Then, Opti-Coat Pro+ is added as the top coat to further protect the layer of ceramic paint. Not only does Opti-Coat Pro+ enhance the coated surfaces of your vehicle, it adds luster and slickness for an outstanding shine to your car’s paint.
How does it work?
Opti-Coat Pro+ was specifically designed to create a tough, permanent hydrophobic layer of protection. The advanced formulation not only delivers high gloss and durable protection, it also provides increased anti-water spotting and hydrophobic properties to maintain a perfect finish for the long term. Applying Opti-Coat Pro+ means that you don’t have to apply waxes or sealants while it reduces swirls and scratches.
It is chemically resistant so it won’t dissolve after multiple car washes and won’t diminish under corrosive acids like bird droppings. Any additional dirt, grime, or bugs come off with ease and you will never have to get your car waxed again. Furthermore, it is non-oxidizing so Opti-Coat Pro+ will lock in that shine and protects against damaging UV rays.
Why does it matter?
The ceramic paint coating you choose needs to be an intentional choice. It needs to be the ultimate layer of protection for your car’s paint. Opti-Coat Pro+ was made to ensure an extra added layer of protection when applied after Opti-Coat Pro and intensifies your vehicle’s shine and gloss. As well, a 7-year warranty is provided for the ceramic paint protection.
Opti-Coat Pro3
The Ultimate Ceramic Protection and Gloss
What is Opti-Coat Pro3?
Opti-Coat Pro3 is the ultimate in ceramic paint protection and gloss. It is the most advanced coating which provides protection and gloss and is four times the thickness of Opti-Coat Pro or Pro+. Opti-Coat Pro3 provides the most chemical resistance and environmental protection. Opti-Coat Pro3 enhances the durability of your vehicle’s paint by adding several layers of protection for the life of your car.
Opti-Coat Pro3 provides a protective ceramic coating with superior reduction of swirling, elimination of chemical etching, and fading. Then, Opti-Coat Pro3 Top Coat is added to further increase the hardness and reduction of scratches of the ceramic clear coat for the life of your vehicle’s paint.
How does it work?
Opti-Coat Pro3’s advanced formulation was designed to create a tougher and thicker multi-layer clear coat with greater depth and gloss. It is a permanent hydrophobic layer of protection.
It is chemically resistant so it won’t dissolve after multiple car washes and won’t diminish under corrosive acids like bird droppings. Any additional dirt, grime, or bugs come off with ease and you will never have to get your car waxed again. Furthermore, it is non-oxidizing so Opti-Coat Pro3 will lock in that shine and protects against damaging UV rays for the life of your car.
Why does it matter?
Your car is a great investment and to maximize the value, you want the most advanced coating in the marketplace to protect your car as long as you own it. Opti-Coat Pro3 comes with a Limited Lifetime Warranty for the ceramic paint protection and is designed to protect and beautify your car’s finish while making the maintenance much easier.
Opti-Leather and Opti-Fabric are formulated to protect all interior surfaces from dirt, liquid and stains.
Opti-Glass provides industry leading "Super-Hydrophobic" glass protection, for long lasting protection and safety.
Opti-Coat and CARFAX have teamed up! Any application will be published on the customer's CARFAX report. When purchasing a used vehicle, customers will see that it was previously coated with Opti-Coat. This can be indication to the buyer that the vehicle finish has received less wear, was more meticulously cared for than the average vehicle, and that the finish will outlast a similar un-coated car!